Insights Platform : Million Minds
We have spent the last 5 years developing our Million Minds AI health social insights platform. Powered by a vast global dataset, it offers our partners unique access to value-adding insight. With multiple lenses, it enables us to segment the data to understand perspectives across symptoms, co-morbidities, treatments, lifestyle impact, risk factors and treatments.
Global Reach
Accesses an unlimited dataset, segmented by language, country and in some cases region
Increased depth
& unbiased design
Patients typically share much more detail anonymously than face-to-face, and are listened to vs asked about experiences
Robustly created using clinically validated datasets
(Human Phenotype Ontology, Disease Ontology, International classification of diseases, ORPHA.NET)
Proprietary tools and taxonomy
Built on White Swan knowledge graph IP, leverages Black Swan algorithms & tech
Circumnavigates health inequalities
Provides insight into hard-to-reach groups in society, and rare disease patients, at scale
Innovatively combines the patient voice with academic papers
Enabling refining of research priorities using the patient voice and discovery of under-served areas
Agile and Fast
Highly agile approach when compared to traditional market research. Ability to deep dive into key areas
Category agnostic
Data can be segmented by condition, groups of conditions, symptoms, lifestyle and risk factors and treatments